Wasn't really up to much today. Went for a swim then met up with Fio and we had a nice walk, even along the beach. Looked better than it felt though, a bit too windy. We concluded that it would be Fio's dream to have a nice flat overlookin the water, whereas I would find it a bit too depressin at time, preferring trees as a view (that's what you get for being raised in a family of gardeners..)
The evening I have spent readin Last Chance Saloon (again...). That's the best part with being a girl. You can curl up in foetal position readin feelgood chicklit, listen to sad-FM and stuff your face with chocolate and neatly blame it all on oestrogen. Not that I actually achieved all of that. The readin part def, but not all curled up (makes your neck hurt after a while), the music was tonight limited in pityness to Goo Goo Dolls (marginally better atleast) and I mostly ate fruit (had some chocolate on standby though, just in case). But that's not the point though... The point is
that we could do it and still get away with it. Some women manages to have their period/pms/random oestrogen outburts several times a month. Only men who has not thought the whole thing through question this. They rarely does it again after that.
I try and tell my brother these things, educate him in the female physche. He's not always appreciative of the lessons. But he's now coming along; he's learned A) always to ask if he should bring along a coke zero for me when he's coming over and B)
stopped searching for a logical reasoning to womens actions. I think he will do fine...
I also found out that Ryan opposed to what I thought was in fact not at all going to Stockholm as claimed but rather movin to Alaska again. Not all very suprising, but think I would preferred havin read it in a letter instead of a public anouncement. But I guess not.
I'm havin a good mate over this week for dinner. And considering us in this autumn darkness that currently rules the weather probably also wine. She's battling with tryin to straighten out her love life, currently juggling emotions for not only one man at a time. Wheras ice woman over here approaches the matter from the other angle, not proned to feel much for most men crossing her path. We thought toghether we could level things up a bit...
Haha, Dylan, I imagine you have comments and spontaneous thoughts to this. You are free to post, I'm tryin as you have of me, takin a note from others. Apparently I'm sometimes (...) so closed up not even my friends understands whats going on (damn, I really DO like understatements though...) so now I'm tryin to do better. Evolve. Be a better person. Grow. So I'm trashin all my thoughts out loud in script.
Here's my heart and sould. Please feel free to grind them into hamburgers. (Grey's Anatomy, the part about intimacy)