Friday, 16 January 2009

Finally friday, oh lovely lovely friday... This day means that I don't haveto get up early tomorrow!!! Something that is very important to me. And more or less the only reason I at all survive during the weeks. I hate mornings. That's just how it is. Don't wake me unless you really haveto.Don't talk to me in the mornings. And whatever you do don't be cheery.. Although this might apply a bit more than just in the morning. I don't trust cheery people. It's just not sane. People that keeps sayin that the glas is half full must have their endorphine levels all screwed up, and the ones walkin around with a constant grin on their face makin them resemble those weak minded puppies and kitten painted on plates that hangs in old peoples homes, they are just plain scary.

Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Probably should've stayed in my office...
The Talk evolved quite quickly into something quite rare in our family - me enraged. I think it was quite a nasty shock for my mother, not having heard me raise my voice in about over a decade and now being the object for my upset emotions. My mother - being the foremost in our familys way of handling conflicts - by active avoidance - solved it by hangin up the phone.
That did not help my temper... My brother spent the evening with me not really knowing wether to console me or hide.

Yesterday Hanna and I met up after work and headed over to my place for dinner and just haning out. It was a nice relief from my menagerie-like family. What to do without good friends?

Monday, 12 January 2009

I wonder if I can hide out in my office for a longer period of time.... I think it might be possible! Plus I'd get work done aswell. And with a coke machine down the hall I don't see what could make this a bad idea.

Ah, lovely caffeine!

the Talk

Had a great weekend behind me so going back to work this week wasn't too bad. Have a ton to do at work today, but I still like it so it flows quite smoothly. And have to call mum to see if she can come over tonight. This is a call and visit we're both a bit apprehensive to, although me in particular since I have a vauge idea of what it is I have to say to her.. So we haveto have a Talk. I really hate those. Probably cause I usually fiercly do my best to aviod them and am more partial to solving it in peace with tequila. Crap. I hate when I haveto be the responsible one - I'm not very good at it. So this time I haveto try and tell my mother that if she keeps going back to my little sisters dad I can't help her. Because then she doesn't want help - just a place to stay and someone telling her it's not her fault and everything's gonna be alright. And for that she can get a hotel room and should get a therapist. Which - by judging on the latest events - I'm gonna need as well, and bill her for it.
But it is tragic. She's like a junkie only in it for the next fix. Although I can't for the life of me see what that fix would be.. Maybe the glimpses she sees every once in a while - on a good period - of a happy family life. In that case I'm really sorry for her, cause if so she must want it so bad that it blinds her to reality. Or maybe reality isn't just as fun, who knows.
I've been talking to some of my family about this. It's sad because we all want to see her happy but knows she wont be now. As soon as she goes back to him it leads to trouble; arguments, drinking and fights - and nightmares for me. But it's not like you can stop a person from making here own decisions. I'll just try my best to look after my sister. And tell my mother to get a hotel room next time. But I probably wont... it's still my family.

Thursday, 8 January 2009

Back from Manchester, tired with a cold BUT WITH NEW SHOES

The day after.
Started travelling 3am yesterday morning, hadn't seen any point in trying to get any sleep before that. From Manchester to Liverpool to Skavsta to Stockholm to Arlanda. Got there by lunch and did only the most urgent things then left work for home.
My brother was trying to score some plus points since he's been ockupying my whilst I've been away (actually not only when I've been away) and offered to cook me dinner and pamper me. this means him doing the dishes and taking the trash out. Wanna bet what happened? Nothing. Mental note: reclaim set of keys from family members, it is not a nice gesture, it is charity work!!

My new shoes however are lovely, am taking them soon to grandma for inspection and admiration. I also found a gorgeus pair or earrings. So despite a heavy cold I am happy.

though am seriously considering calling up my brother and yell a bit to get him to tidy up as promised. I did after all by him a pressie from England.