Wednesday, 25 July 2007

It's ok, I've finished readin by now.

Picked up my copy of the last Harry Potter-book this monday.
One of the downsides of my otherwise charming personality is that I tend to get quite mean to people that disturb me when I'm into a book. It is of course natural (at least I consider it most natural) to dislike interruptions. I on the other hand doesn't always view it as merely a light interruption being disturbed while I'm reading. More like bein jerked away from another place, a place that I really liked, just to return to everyday mundane life and some nuthead asking me how I am? (See? Told you I'm not nice at these moments.) Only small comfort might be (atleast to my poor brother who experienced it) that after havin past most of my adolescence behind the risk of bein hit by flyin object when an interruption has greatly diminished.
I wont say so much bout the book itself, or the series. People always have their own dear opinions about it anyway. But it's nice to have read the whole thing now.
I got the first Harry Potter book from my grandmother after she'd come back from London. The book had just been released there and there was a real fuss about it. So she thought it might be good readin and bought it to me. At that point no kid in Sweden had heard of the adventures of Mr Potter yet. Now they have. And most of them seems to like the books as well, and not just the young ones either. Everyone likes to dream away for a while.

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