Saturday, 11 August 2007

Saturday. Weekend!

There's a natural dislike in working weekends. It's an unnatural thing to do. Even goes against a few religious beliefs as well. Shame I don't have any of those then. Weekends should be cherished and enjoyed properly as the miniture-holidays they are. Not faff about with laundry or summat else ridiculously time wasting, but to soak in any eventual sun, read a book, enjoy an evening in good company and generally enjoy the freedom of not needing to answer any calls. That does not - of course - concern Fio who is already excellent in some aspects here... (When I call you, I've got summat to say. So pick up the goddam phone!)
Enjoy your weekends and I'll go and make me some tea.

oh, and yeah, in case you were wondering - I'm working tomorrow as well. just great...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

very nice blog! continue!