Congratulations Fio!
Happy bday my dear friend, and I'll see you more tonight!
Also spent this day together with my mum and sis for lunch. Then met up with Dante, Tom and Emelie and the four of us went shoppin in IKEA. Seems like there's always stuff you need! Will things ever get done and finished around my place?
Saturday, 29 September 2007
Thursday, 27 September 2007
Dennis' bday! AND Ryan's!
Hope you two have the best day.
Me, I'm goin to Uppsala today after school to check out Klara's new place. Nice to see her again, and it'll be fun see how she lives her life these days.
Hope you two have the best day.
Me, I'm goin to Uppsala today after school to check out Klara's new place. Nice to see her again, and it'll be fun see how she lives her life these days.
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
We're Students. And not afraid to use it!
Now after a little while into it, I can really see why some people view students as a different lifeform. We have derranged sleeping patterns, we feed from a completley different nutrition base (i e it's not nutritionally based at all - doesn't matter how healthy the food is, if it's expensive it's out. Noodles however is a very important cornerstone), we talk strange - and usually total jidderish for others - and we seem to view ourself as a minority group in Sweden, therefore entitled to benefits such as discounts. And are apalled when companies have the audacity to refuse student discounts. No wonder society wants to keep us all confined in student dorms. At least then they know were we're at. And the supermarkets knows where to build another store since there's a solid ant trail between them and the dorms..
Monday, 24 September 2007
Week planned ahead.
I havnt really had much time left over for blogging lately. And probably won't much the coming week either. Have an exam next week, so most of my focus will be on that. And the little time I feel I can spare I've already booked solid.
Tomorrow I'll meet up Anna for a powerwalk, then we'll get ready for school, have lunch. Then it's Business Economics between 13-15. After that I'm meetin up Micke for a fika. Back home again to do homework!
Wednesday I'll have class between 12.30 - 15.30. Today Hanna'll come back home (maybe she'll need some help at home, unpacking or something. She's not supposed to do all of that stuff for helself yet!). Then hopefully I'll have time for some dinner, then it's exercise in the evening. Then sleep!! Early start next day!
Thursday. (Ryan's and Dennis' Bday!!) School between 8.30 - 12.30 and study after it. Then I'm taking the train to Uppsala to see Klara's new flat and help her unpack. I'll stay the night there. Check out the town for a little while on friday, then have lunch with Klara before I head back to Stockholm. By now it's already weekend and all devoted for studies. Next week is approaching with frightening pace! Saturday evening I'll be celebrating my lovely darling Fio who's bday's today. Oohh, cake! ;)
Sunday. Don't call me! I'm supposed to be busy!
Tomorrow I'll meet up Anna for a powerwalk, then we'll get ready for school, have lunch. Then it's Business Economics between 13-15. After that I'm meetin up Micke for a fika. Back home again to do homework!
Wednesday I'll have class between 12.30 - 15.30. Today Hanna'll come back home (maybe she'll need some help at home, unpacking or something. She's not supposed to do all of that stuff for helself yet!). Then hopefully I'll have time for some dinner, then it's exercise in the evening. Then sleep!! Early start next day!
Thursday. (Ryan's and Dennis' Bday!!) School between 8.30 - 12.30 and study after it. Then I'm taking the train to Uppsala to see Klara's new flat and help her unpack. I'll stay the night there. Check out the town for a little while on friday, then have lunch with Klara before I head back to Stockholm. By now it's already weekend and all devoted for studies. Next week is approaching with frightening pace! Saturday evening I'll be celebrating my lovely darling Fio who's bday's today. Oohh, cake! ;)
Sunday. Don't call me! I'm supposed to be busy!
Monday, 17 September 2007
After school today me and Anna decided to have some sushi for lunch. Talked and laughed all way through it, then continued with some shopping.
We got as homework from our course in intercultural communication to overhear conversations (though no eavesdropping, morals to judge) just to reflect over what it is people really have conversations about. What have you talked about today?
We got as homework from our course in intercultural communication to overhear conversations (though no eavesdropping, morals to judge) just to reflect over what it is people really have conversations about. What have you talked about today?
Sunday, 16 September 2007
Sunday: Birthday party
My little sister turned 7 this friday, so today she's having her birthday party. Mum asked me to come earlier to start prep. I'm reckon kinda like in war times - lookin over the food supply, armour and weaponry to be able hold them off in hope to finally be able to walk away alive - and sane. My mum thinks I'm a bit dramatic, I don't. It's a heap full of 7yrs old kids. They're mean, spoiled, malicious and absolute ruthless at that age.
As you see I'm most anxious to celebrate another family happening.... or maybe not so much. If I'm lucky I'll get hold of my brother and get him to come over as well. But seeing as he was out drunk last nite and have about as high opinion of 7yrs bday party as me, the chances feel a bit diminished. Damnit.
Better go and and get my helmet, sheild and sword.
As you see I'm most anxious to celebrate another family happening.... or maybe not so much. If I'm lucky I'll get hold of my brother and get him to come over as well. But seeing as he was out drunk last nite and have about as high opinion of 7yrs bday party as me, the chances feel a bit diminished. Damnit.
Better go and and get my helmet, sheild and sword.
Thursday, 13 September 2007
Hanna's feelin a bit better, after she got back home to her flat.
I had just a course in international marketing today. After that me and my classmate Anna went for some shopping and chatted away. When I'd got hold of new shoes and a top I was content and went to see Hanna. I'd told her I'd come by. She was going back home to Gislaved to her family and I said I'd come and help her pack. It's not so easy for her to do stuff since she's not supposed to walk too much, not bend and def not lift anything. After we had packed everythng and were ready to go I accopanied her in to the car she were gonna go in, to make sure the took it slowly and to help her carry (she didn't of course, I did).
After I'd said bye to Hanna I went to Mange, then he me, Erik and Kristin went to see the Simpson movie. I kno it's been going for ages, but I just havn't got round to seein it bfore. Though it was a good laugh!
After that there was some revelations about my self on the way home. Supringsing to me. Logically myself is of the course the person I spend single most time with (kinda full time, I'd say) - and still there are still things I've never ever noticed that are so obvious to other people. I mean I wouldn't go so far as thinkin I'd have any full objective picture of myself, and especially since viewing is mostly a subjective hobby this always puts a twist on it, but I thought to have a decent image at least. Now I have some new facts and angles to try and fit in.
I had just a course in international marketing today. After that me and my classmate Anna went for some shopping and chatted away. When I'd got hold of new shoes and a top I was content and went to see Hanna. I'd told her I'd come by. She was going back home to Gislaved to her family and I said I'd come and help her pack. It's not so easy for her to do stuff since she's not supposed to walk too much, not bend and def not lift anything. After we had packed everythng and were ready to go I accopanied her in to the car she were gonna go in, to make sure the took it slowly and to help her carry (she didn't of course, I did).
After I'd said bye to Hanna I went to Mange, then he me, Erik and Kristin went to see the Simpson movie. I kno it's been going for ages, but I just havn't got round to seein it bfore. Though it was a good laugh!
After that there was some revelations about my self on the way home. Supringsing to me. Logically myself is of the course the person I spend single most time with (kinda full time, I'd say) - and still there are still things I've never ever noticed that are so obvious to other people. I mean I wouldn't go so far as thinkin I'd have any full objective picture of myself, and especially since viewing is mostly a subjective hobby this always puts a twist on it, but I thought to have a decent image at least. Now I have some new facts and angles to try and fit in.
Wednesday, 12 September 2007
Wednesday: Hanna's ill
Had been trying to reach Hanna all day yesterday and were starting to get worried. Then she called during my class, saying she'd been at the hospital. She'd been havin massive ache in her stomach, and at the hospital it turned out that she needed to have her appendix removed immediately. When she phoned me she'd just got back home again. My class finished half an hour later so I went to Hanna's to tend to our little sickling. So after cooking her dinner, making sure she had breakfast and lunch for the next day and bringing her some sweeties and flowers for cheering up, we chatted and watched some telly together. Then Mike came with some more flowers and had some dinner. The three of us spent some time hangin out and passing the sweetiebowl back and forth (no lollies in it! strange those kiwis..) before I went back home. Was no happy with Hanna had to be at the hospital all alone with no time to call anyone, but when she got home I knew she felt a bit better again. Thats good. Now it's just a matter of trying to make her stay still and not move too much and lift things. Easier that it sounds, it'll be my main goal for tomorrow.
Sunday, 9 September 2007
An afternoon with my cousin Emil
I mean, look at him! He's adorable!
We all had a lovely day. We actually went touristing, took a boattrip around Djurgården. Wich gave me some small chanses to improve my tragicly poor geography knowledge. And of course I had Dante next to me as a personal guide to tell me anecdotes about the historical Stockholm and some very (verly) lame jokes on the subject as well. Bless.

Saturday, 8 September 2007
Late night
Saturday evening and I'm lazily lyin in my sofa listening to music and hearing the rain fall on the windowsill. And I know exactly what I'd wanna be doing now, what I used to when I lived with my grandad and had his car. Just drive. For hours. And it was great. Nothing but driving, music and my own thoughts.
Of all I can think of right now, that'd suit prefectly.
Of all I can think of right now, that'd suit prefectly.
Tuesday, 4 September 2007
Cosmic peace...
Every person have their own sets of qualities. Some subjectivly valued, other more or less objectively. Qualities that can be at times taken to an extent. This person here for example has a light approach to things, likes a laugh and have a tendence of bein just a bit mischevious at times. Usually this works out well for me. Although sometimes it does put me in trouble. These qualities for instance doesn't match to well with cermonial times or deep, serious moments..
In other words, I'll be the one that can't for the life of me keep quiet in a church or says something totally out of place. Today I went to a yoga session. But instead of the usual poweryoga on mondays it was today a new instructor holding a class in hathaya yoga. Not at all the same. I managed to come through the session with just some inapropriate crackin of my knuckles they way people hate when we were supposed to 'be rid our bodies of negative energies'. But when she eventually asked us to reach inside ourself, free our mind from our physical body and strive for cosmic peace, I was ready to cave in! Bloody hell. Oh, didn't mention I have streak of cynisism, hint of sarcasm and passion for irony..?
All in all I don't think that session was really suited for me. Or me for it. If I was cosmic peace there are a number of chemical substances that would sort that out in an instance. And last time I checked, as long as attaining balance and gettin rid of negative energies goes, it's nothing a good shag won't help.
In other words, I'll be the one that can't for the life of me keep quiet in a church or says something totally out of place. Today I went to a yoga session. But instead of the usual poweryoga on mondays it was today a new instructor holding a class in hathaya yoga. Not at all the same. I managed to come through the session with just some inapropriate crackin of my knuckles they way people hate when we were supposed to 'be rid our bodies of negative energies'. But when she eventually asked us to reach inside ourself, free our mind from our physical body and strive for cosmic peace, I was ready to cave in! Bloody hell. Oh, didn't mention I have streak of cynisism, hint of sarcasm and passion for irony..?
All in all I don't think that session was really suited for me. Or me for it. If I was cosmic peace there are a number of chemical substances that would sort that out in an instance. And last time I checked, as long as attaining balance and gettin rid of negative energies goes, it's nothing a good shag won't help.
Rainy tuesday
Fuckin hell it rained while I was tryin to make may way back home from school! HA! This was hardcore raining! Awesome!! Not some potzy drizzlin the common umbrella would sort out. For those sods who tried that one it just ended up keepin only their head (somewhat) dry, since the water either ricochetted back up after it hit the ground or it blew in sideways.
There's always these people runnin with a newspaper over their head. I've been wondering about those since this tactic have some obvious faults right from the start; paper doesn't cooperate well with water for starters - the pages folds quite quickly. Then for some even more bizarre reason these people also fold the paper which consequently means it can cover a smaller area. If this idea originally was intended as a emergency measure to keep the rain off shouldn't they instead fold out the newspaper? This would mean a smaller army of minature tents-shaped news papers would run around the streets in the rain. hum....
This is the reason for whenever it's rainin hard outside I park myself in a café sittin by the window and watchin the people run by outside..
There's always these people runnin with a newspaper over their head. I've been wondering about those since this tactic have some obvious faults right from the start; paper doesn't cooperate well with water for starters - the pages folds quite quickly. Then for some even more bizarre reason these people also fold the paper which consequently means it can cover a smaller area. If this idea originally was intended as a emergency measure to keep the rain off shouldn't they instead fold out the newspaper? This would mean a smaller army of minature tents-shaped news papers would run around the streets in the rain. hum....
This is the reason for whenever it's rainin hard outside I park myself in a café sittin by the window and watchin the people run by outside..
Monday, 3 September 2007
Finally all those full-time serious accouting students in my class got something to think about. We had a new class today that's straight up my alley; intercultural communication. After my language and liguistic studies this is brilliant. Although felt that in my class the enthusiasm wasn't as broadly chared. Most of them actually like faffin about with debit and credit and thinks this sounds very vauge and not very concrete. Which is totally correct, only thing theyre missin is that that is the whole point. Discussin subjective impressions is something I can gladly discuss for hours. Especially if it's counting as a class and it keeps me a little while longer from returning to debit and credit again.
With this read, one might wonder why the fuck I'm readin this then. Haha, well who knows. It seems like a good thing at the time. And to be honest I do actually like it, although I'm very aware that it's not closest to me. But how fun would it be just doin our own thing all of the time...
With this read, one might wonder why the fuck I'm readin this then. Haha, well who knows. It seems like a good thing at the time. And to be honest I do actually like it, although I'm very aware that it's not closest to me. But how fun would it be just doin our own thing all of the time...
Sunday, 2 September 2007
Lazy sunday
In true spirit of a sunday nothing really useful got done. Breakfast was held somewhere between 10 and 14 in bed lazily watchin sports and film, and consisted of newly baked bread and then topped that off with sweets.
Dont leave much to complain about...
Dont leave much to complain about...
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