Tuesday, 4 September 2007

Cosmic peace...

Every person have their own sets of qualities. Some subjectivly valued, other more or less objectively. Qualities that can be at times taken to an extent. This person here for example has a light approach to things, likes a laugh and have a tendence of bein just a bit mischevious at times. Usually this works out well for me. Although sometimes it does put me in trouble. These qualities for instance doesn't match to well with cermonial times or deep, serious moments..
In other words, I'll be the one that can't for the life of me keep quiet in a church or says something totally out of place. Today I went to a yoga session. But instead of the usual poweryoga on mondays it was today a new instructor holding a class in hathaya yoga. Not at all the same. I managed to come through the session with just some inapropriate crackin of my knuckles they way people hate when we were supposed to 'be rid our bodies of negative energies'. But when she eventually asked us to reach inside ourself, free our mind from our physical body and strive for cosmic peace, I was ready to cave in! Bloody hell. Oh, didn't mention I have streak of cynisism, hint of sarcasm and passion for irony..?
All in all I don't think that session was really suited for me. Or me for it. If I was cosmic peace there are a number of chemical substances that would sort that out in an instance. And last time I checked, as long as attaining balance and gettin rid of negative energies goes, it's nothing a good shag won't help.


Anonymous said...

Alife, again i say YOU MAKE ME LAUGH and i have no doubt you prob are very sarcastic as i can just tell but i love reading your little blogs.

its fun to see how you spent your day and what adventure you had.

what are you studying in school?

Anonymous said...

För att svara lite på dina inlägg hos mig. Skippa skorna! Sist vi pratade så pluggade du och sa att man inte har så mycket pengar att spendera när man pluggar. Kommer du ihåg?? :) Det finns billigare skor, kanske utan det där häftiga märket som du vill ha, men som kanske passar ekonomin bättre. Men sen när du har pluggat färdigt och du tjänar massor med pengar, då kan du shoppa på riktigt igen. Håll fast vid din plånbok lilla slösa... Hihi :)