Wednesday, 17 October 2007

Lots to do!

This day have been absolutely packed! Been constanly busy. Got home and are gettin to bed straight away.
Got up early to be in school a while before class starts so I had time to get some more work done. Had class between 12.30-15.30 then straight off to work! Worked at Birger Jarl's gatan between 16-22. Missed the footy aswell!! Though from what I've heard so far it was no greater loss. Granddad, the darling he is, knew that Id wanted to see it, so he kept sending me match updates on texts to my phone. Bless him!
Oh, and realised it's Thomas birthday today aswell! Bugger, sent a txt to say congrats and apologized it came so late. Ahwell, I'll visit him soon anyway, will congrat him then.

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