Monday, 29 December 2008

Eeeehh.. got woken up half an hour earlier (thats 5 am!) by a cheery mornin call from Anna. She'd been out. She said she'd called me to join in if her phone had been working. I'm immensly glad that it didn't, cause I probably would've gone to join Anna in cursing the opposite sex - they're all jerks at the moment and we all enjoy a good cursin..
Previously yesterday evening Madde came over for dinner and afterwards we sat and watched Sex and the City with a glass of wine. Oh, and we painted our nails - pink. Haha..
Have realised without much suprise today that my stomach problems are back. At least that explain why I feel hungry at very odd times..

How I am to live through the day and manage to get home is beyond me. This will need serious amounts of sugar and caffeine...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dear dear Alfie you just make me laugh and smile and yessssss just what you need to get through the day more sweets and caffeine so you get even less sleep : )

BUT a good cursin now who doesn't enjoy that!!!!!!

I wish Anna had called me would have been fun having a good cursin.

Serious sometimes what you really need is just to have a good cursin get everything out and then you just feel better.