Thursday, 17 May 2007

Dante on the sofa

Started off the day with babysittin my little sis and am soon endin it by tuckin in my bro as he is to sleep on my sofa.
Its been a hectic 24h. Worked late yesterday then went and stayed at Dantes to help him as he was babysittin our lill sis. Couldnt quite sleep, partially cause kept gettin woken up by various phones at various times, then spent the morning and parts of the noon playin uno in the common room in the dorm. Line had, with the unavoidable charm of a young girl with big eyes and a purpose, got most of the inhabitants of the dorm engaged in her entertaiment and enjoyed herself immensely by totally deflating poor uncle Tom in uno.
Then went and dropped Line of with mum and went to meet up with Dante. Got home eventually. Did get some food shoppin done but not much else.
Did however recive a mail about an interview for a course Ive applied to, which was nice.
Even nicer is that we've finally booked our trip to Scotland! We'll be goin in less than a month, yeay! So now in preparation we'll be drinkin Innis and Dunn and watch Braveheart constantly... or something. Maybe not just so much, but still! It'll be great comin back to the island again, even if this time to to me uncharted territory. Can't wait! So for those of you who have any requests you better load em up now. If they are innaproriate we'll just place em in Dante's bag..

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