Then Mange had bought tickets for us to go and see Pirates of the Carribbean 3, so Dante and me met up with him and his mate just before it started. My brother, now finally havin developed an interests in what it is he's actually wearin (I blame the social group pressure) took me on another shoppingtour in topman before we were to meet up with the lads. I knew my company and discreetly wore high heels. Much of a difference that made! pfa! Still felt about hobbit sized..
However, the movie was ok. Not as good as the first but better than the second. Hard to keep track of all backstabbin and side switchin at first, but got the hang of it eventually. So guess we'll see the next appear on the theaters eventually. One of those films it seems like they can keep coming up with countless sequels to. But then, Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow is brilliant. Could well watch another dozen just for Jack! Kiera is beautiful, and a good actress. Never been much for mr Bloom though, guess he's ok but a bit too much dramaqueen in his acting.
After the film we headed to Mcdonalds. Not by my doin, but then again, I more or less just tagged along for the company. Eventually got a cup of tea for it aswell from Mange, but not sure of the reasons for it though. Mange had a though evening, at least he thought so, with two Engstrands ganging up on him. That wasn't really the case however. As far as Dante's concerend he won't turn down any opportunity to throw witty comments around. He's very undiscriminating in that sense..
As for tomorrow I have no big plans. As a matter of fact I don't have much plans at all. Maybe start writing a long long shoppinglist for scotland..
1 comment:
I want lots of things from scotland... wright them down! :)
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