Monday, 3 September 2007


Finally all those full-time serious accouting students in my class got something to think about. We had a new class today that's straight up my alley; intercultural communication. After my language and liguistic studies this is brilliant. Although felt that in my class the enthusiasm wasn't as broadly chared. Most of them actually like faffin about with debit and credit and thinks this sounds very vauge and not very concrete. Which is totally correct, only thing theyre missin is that that is the whole point. Discussin subjective impressions is something I can gladly discuss for hours. Especially if it's counting as a class and it keeps me a little while longer from returning to debit and credit again.
With this read, one might wonder why the fuck I'm readin this then. Haha, well who knows. It seems like a good thing at the time. And to be honest I do actually like it, although I'm very aware that it's not closest to me. But how fun would it be just doin our own thing all of the time...


Anonymous said...

who new Alfie was such a smartie talking about debit and credit NOT to mention intercultural communication... VERY impressive.

you make me smile with your deep thoughts and subjective impressions BUT who new you had such BLAH for debit & credit :P

glad to see you had a class that made you happy.

anyway, I always thought you were in art school for some reason.


Alfie said...

Art school? kinda funny thought. Don't reckon they'd even let me in to read a pamphlet at an art school...
Used to study latin, but people aren't as impressed by in now as they used to be (oh, some centuries ago...), and - as my last boyfriend pointed out - it's now apparently much more impressive with a woman earning her own money. Damn..