Lunch break at work. Got to love to work when most other have holiday, especially knowing you're doing it for free! Bah...
Didn't really get the sleep I was planning on yesterday. Well, unless you count when I slept on the train home that is... Came home and had just started heatin dinner (actual cookin is reserved for special occations) when Anna called and announced the utter misery of her current state e.g. home sick. For Anna the most apparent problem for her is not her health; it's boredom. Having a normal energy lever of a hamster on ecstasy she was going bonkers after a day completely void of activity. I told her I was on my way over, just had to stop for supplies on my way over (oh the usual, frozen pizza, diet coke and about a kilo of sweets and chocolate..).
We watched film, chatted and ate sweets. Anna decided to act out her artistical talents on my nails which now are painted glittery purple. I also got her to cut my hair (I've been quite bored too lately) which was done with IKEAs old kitchen scissors, lol.
She wasn't feelin too well today either poor hun. I'll gice her a call later to check up on her and see if I can get her some cough medicine or something. Think I'll need to drop by the pharmacy anyway - after work I'm goin over to another friends flat to see how she's feelin too. Hmm, might get some drugs for myself to in a preventive action. As long as I don't fall I'll while we're in Mancs. Or when I'm flyin, I hate flying when I'm ill...
Tuesday, 30 December 2008
Monday, 29 December 2008
Eeeehh.. got woken up half an hour earlier (thats 5 am!) by a cheery mornin call from Anna. She'd been out. She said she'd called me to join in if her phone had been working. I'm immensly glad that it didn't, cause I probably would've gone to join Anna in cursing the opposite sex - they're all jerks at the moment and we all enjoy a good cursin..
Previously yesterday evening Madde came over for dinner and afterwards we sat and watched Sex and the City with a glass of wine. Oh, and we painted our nails - pink. Haha..
Have realised without much suprise today that my stomach problems are back. At least that explain why I feel hungry at very odd times..
How I am to live through the day and manage to get home is beyond me. This will need serious amounts of sugar and caffeine...
Previously yesterday evening Madde came over for dinner and afterwards we sat and watched Sex and the City with a glass of wine. Oh, and we painted our nails - pink. Haha..
Have realised without much suprise today that my stomach problems are back. At least that explain why I feel hungry at very odd times..
How I am to live through the day and manage to get home is beyond me. This will need serious amounts of sugar and caffeine...
Thursday, 4 December 2008
The cat is back..
I'm so so happy, and you should see grandfathers face.. :D
So now I've moved in with grandfather for a week to keep an eye on the furball's recovery and to make sure he takes all his medicines.
Now as I sit and writes in my bed I can hear grandfather talking to the cat again.. makes me all warm and happy inside. I'm so happy he's back.
I'm so so happy, and you should see grandfathers face.. :D
So now I've moved in with grandfather for a week to keep an eye on the furball's recovery and to make sure he takes all his medicines.
Now as I sit and writes in my bed I can hear grandfather talking to the cat again.. makes me all warm and happy inside. I'm so happy he's back.
Monday, 10 November 2008
A sunny reminder

Long ago now since it was summer...
That was the message sent along with this charming picture of me wrestling.. something?.. on the beach this summer. Nice to see some sunny pics though! It's gettin dark here up north before it barely gets time for dawn it feels like.. But soon comes the snow!
Then I'm happy again!
Did get some good work done in school today. Even when we didn't have a lesson through the whole day we were still there at 9 am - how dilligent aren't we?? Didn't do shit thought as soon as I got home... hrm.. 8 days to go till the exam!
Am still feelin dumped which now is mostly annoying. I'm dreading the exam. I'm thinkin about going to grandmothers country house this weekend in the vain hope I will get a rush of will to study and get a massive heap of studyin done. Or if not, maybe just a quiet weekend with my family is enough (not for my grade though, that I'm quite sure of...). I love that I've been spending some more time with Nettan, there have not been far enough of that for the past year, with me being away when she was pregnant and all. I'm hopin Fio will come over this week, maybe I can get Nettan and Ellan over aswell, that would be absolutely awesome.
Oh, ten past twelwe. Happy birthday Mange! Hope you have a good un old man ;)
Now the little lass was heading for bed...
Sunday, 9 November 2008
Sunday evening
Today I've been cleanin my whole flat. Not too fun job but needed to be done. And now - finally - it is nice and clean. Now I'm just gonna watch Criminal Minds (I love the geek, thats an appeallin intellect if any). Then it's an early start tomorrow. Am gonna meet my classmates tomorrow and hopefully get tons of school work done. I havn't done even half as much this last week as I'd hope I'd done. So better get to it now then I guess...
Hectic day and good ol friends.
Had the alarm set saturday morning to get an early-ish start. Mum and me met up with one of her best friends Seidi, her son Ted (age 3) and daughter Marléne who is my age (our mum enjoyed their pregnancies together - Marléne and I are born five days apart) and her two kids Julia (2 yrs) and her little brother Jamie (1 year). So as a whole big extended family we all went to the 'All about food and wine' trade fair. Which was crowded, absolute tons of people. This has however never held my mum back, she loves being in the midst of a big crowd. And with her best friend at her side they were havin the time of their lifes. I thought to help Marléne out a bit by lookin after the kids so she could enjoy herself. In hindsight I can easily asses that there are many vastly more suitable enviroments to do this than this particular one. Only thing savin me there were my slight tendencies for being a control freak. Oh, and you wont be popular tryin to maneouver a twin trolley in an already over crowded hall. So after several hours the mums were tired after havin tried all different wines and strollin around and I were absolutely exhausted from lookin after the kids, pushin the trolley, carryin kids, mindin the mums. The resemblance to a sheepheardin dog - I felt - were strikin.
On the train home I called up Nettan and got invited over. How could we survive without our friends who knows exactly what it is we need? When I got there Nettan had taken out some dinner for me and we had a lovely - relaxin! - evening. Me and Nettan sat and with some co-operatin fed baby Ellan her dinner. And when she had fallen asleep me Nettan and Emil sat and chatted in the sofa lazilly watchin some Bond movie. Great evening.
On the train home I called up Nettan and got invited over. How could we survive without our friends who knows exactly what it is we need? When I got there Nettan had taken out some dinner for me and we had a lovely - relaxin! - evening. Me and Nettan sat and with some co-operatin fed baby Ellan her dinner. And when she had fallen asleep me Nettan and Emil sat and chatted in the sofa lazilly watchin some Bond movie. Great evening.
Monday, 3 November 2008
Am doing the laundry now, which is sooooooo boring! Sigh. Will def make sure to get a washin machine to the next flat I move into.
Another very nice day has passed (these do tend to have be in direct correlation to effective work done - none!).. This one spent in my role as auntie to Ellan. Me, baby Ellan and Nettan went for some light shopping (Nettan bought a new pair of shoes) and then to Ikea. Nice day.
Monday evening is dog night. I watch dog whisperer then usually retort to goin through the usual dog sites on the internet, thinkin about 'my' dogs Lukas, Miller and Marlon. And generally really misses the companionship of havin dogs around. This particular subject has been raised many times in various social constellations. The way I see it, either you are a dog person, then it's already under your skin, or you're not. I definately am and can't wait untill I can take home new companions. I still hope to make my trip to Spain and SOS Animal shelter this summer, volunteering to help out for a few weeks.
Another very nice day has passed (these do tend to have be in direct correlation to effective work done - none!).. This one spent in my role as auntie to Ellan. Me, baby Ellan and Nettan went for some light shopping (Nettan bought a new pair of shoes) and then to Ikea. Nice day.
Monday evening is dog night. I watch dog whisperer then usually retort to goin through the usual dog sites on the internet, thinkin about 'my' dogs Lukas, Miller and Marlon. And generally really misses the companionship of havin dogs around. This particular subject has been raised many times in various social constellations. The way I see it, either you are a dog person, then it's already under your skin, or you're not. I definately am and can't wait untill I can take home new companions. I still hope to make my trip to Spain and SOS Animal shelter this summer, volunteering to help out for a few weeks.
Sunday, 2 November 2008
Oh, those sunday walks along the beach... bloody freezin.
Wasn't really up to much today. Went for a swim then met up with Fio and we had a nice walk, even along the beach. Looked better than it felt though, a bit too windy. We concluded that it would be Fio's dream to have a nice flat overlookin the water, whereas I would find it a bit too depressin at time, preferring trees as a view (that's what you get for being raised in a family of gardeners..)
The evening I have spent readin Last Chance Saloon (again...). That's the best part with being a girl. You can curl up in foetal position readin feelgood chicklit, listen to sad-FM and stuff your face with chocolate and neatly blame it all on oestrogen. Not that I actually achieved all of that. The readin part def, but not all curled up (makes your neck hurt after a while), the music was tonight limited in pityness to Goo Goo Dolls (marginally better atleast) and I mostly ate fruit (had some chocolate on standby though, just in case). But that's not the point though... The point is that we could do it and still get away with it. Some women manages to have their period/pms/random oestrogen outburts several times a month. Only men who has not thought the whole thing through question this. They rarely does it again after that.
I try and tell my brother these things, educate him in the female physche. He's not always appreciative of the lessons. But he's now coming along; he's learned A) always to ask if he should bring along a coke zero for me when he's coming over and B) stopped searching for a logical reasoning to womens actions. I think he will do fine...
I also found out that Ryan opposed to what I thought was in fact not at all going to Stockholm as claimed but rather movin to Alaska again. Not all very suprising, but think I would preferred havin read it in a letter instead of a public anouncement. But I guess not.
I'm havin a good mate over this week for dinner. And considering us in this autumn darkness that currently rules the weather probably also wine. She's battling with tryin to straighten out her love life, currently juggling emotions for not only one man at a time. Wheras ice woman over here approaches the matter from the other angle, not proned to feel much for most men crossing her path. We thought toghether we could level things up a bit...
Haha, Dylan, I imagine you have comments and spontaneous thoughts to this. You are free to post, I'm tryin as you have of me, takin a note from others. Apparently I'm sometimes (...) so closed up not even my friends understands whats going on (damn, I really DO like understatements though...) so now I'm tryin to do better. Evolve. Be a better person. Grow. So I'm trashin all my thoughts out loud in script. Here's my heart and sould. Please feel free to grind them into hamburgers. (Grey's Anatomy, the part about intimacy)
The evening I have spent readin Last Chance Saloon (again...). That's the best part with being a girl. You can curl up in foetal position readin feelgood chicklit, listen to sad-FM and stuff your face with chocolate and neatly blame it all on oestrogen. Not that I actually achieved all of that. The readin part def, but not all curled up (makes your neck hurt after a while), the music was tonight limited in pityness to Goo Goo Dolls (marginally better atleast) and I mostly ate fruit (had some chocolate on standby though, just in case). But that's not the point though... The point is that we could do it and still get away with it. Some women manages to have their period/pms/random oestrogen outburts several times a month. Only men who has not thought the whole thing through question this. They rarely does it again after that.
I try and tell my brother these things, educate him in the female physche. He's not always appreciative of the lessons. But he's now coming along; he's learned A) always to ask if he should bring along a coke zero for me when he's coming over and B) stopped searching for a logical reasoning to womens actions. I think he will do fine...
I also found out that Ryan opposed to what I thought was in fact not at all going to Stockholm as claimed but rather movin to Alaska again. Not all very suprising, but think I would preferred havin read it in a letter instead of a public anouncement. But I guess not.
I'm havin a good mate over this week for dinner. And considering us in this autumn darkness that currently rules the weather probably also wine. She's battling with tryin to straighten out her love life, currently juggling emotions for not only one man at a time. Wheras ice woman over here approaches the matter from the other angle, not proned to feel much for most men crossing her path. We thought toghether we could level things up a bit...
Haha, Dylan, I imagine you have comments and spontaneous thoughts to this. You are free to post, I'm tryin as you have of me, takin a note from others. Apparently I'm sometimes (...) so closed up not even my friends understands whats going on (damn, I really DO like understatements though...) so now I'm tryin to do better. Evolve. Be a better person. Grow. So I'm trashin all my thoughts out loud in script. Here's my heart and sould. Please feel free to grind them into hamburgers. (Grey's Anatomy, the part about intimacy)
Saturday, 1 November 2008
Halloween continues...
Ironically enough I woke up at Grandfather's with my eyes hurtin. So I hadto leave the car and go home and take my lenses out. Bein so sunny outside I had to wear sunglasses, luckilly I'm still cool enough to pull that off even in november... hahaha.... anyway. After rejecting Halloween invites I still manage to keep sense of Halloween high - I'm on the floor infront of the tv like a blond little red eyed poltergeist... Even the tv is in on it too! Actin up, the picture jumpin and whatnot...
Happy Halloween everybody...
Friday, 31 October 2008
Halloween weekend
Luckily you have your friends to gently remind you when you have been lackin.
On here there's alot I havn't written about that's been going on;
* I moved to Manchester
* Elvine was born, makin me an aunt.
* I moved home from Manchester (grandfather stood waiting at the airport, bless)
* Some friends from Manchester have been over visitin. Still hoping for more of them to come though.
* Got a great job over the summer (which coincedentally eliminated all chances of a social life, but hey)
* Were foster home for stray dogs taken from Ireland to be re-homes in Sweden. First I took care of 4 month old amstaff-mix Miller, a adorable little pup that followed me around constantly for the three weeks I had him. Then there was Marlon, a 2 years old staff-boxer-mix that stayed for 3 weeks untill he too got a permanent home. Love my irish boyos!
* School started again, with this years new accounting class including my own Ms Hanna Kruse-Bråhn! Welcome to our school Hanna, love that you're here too!
And now it's only a month left of our regular semester before our 18 weeks long work experience period commences. Then there's back to slim-to-none social life again!
Since it's Halloween most are out partyin. That's however not the case for me this year. I'm spending my halloween celebrating Allahelgona instead. The original swedish version. This because my cyclops grandfather (who only has vision in one eye) now havin an eye infection has a bit of a hazzle. Or in his own words 'it's a bit fuzzy, I must admit...' My grandfather has always been very proned to understatements - he's blind as a bat. At least one without a sonar, seein as he otherwise would have an extremly finely tuned navigational system - which I can assure you he has not. These days he has a more hands on physical approach to navigation - if he hits something while walking he adjust direction slightly and gives it another go....
I thought it better to come here and make sure he as well as furniture survives the weekend in one piece..
The cat though looks quite unpertubed by all this. But then he seems quite unpertubed by more or less anything come to think of it...
Haveto go and check that grandfather get his medicine now...
On here there's alot I havn't written about that's been going on;
* I moved to Manchester
* Elvine was born, makin me an aunt.
* I moved home from Manchester (grandfather stood waiting at the airport, bless)
* Some friends from Manchester have been over visitin. Still hoping for more of them to come though.
* Got a great job over the summer (which coincedentally eliminated all chances of a social life, but hey)
* Were foster home for stray dogs taken from Ireland to be re-homes in Sweden. First I took care of 4 month old amstaff-mix Miller, a adorable little pup that followed me around constantly for the three weeks I had him. Then there was Marlon, a 2 years old staff-boxer-mix that stayed for 3 weeks untill he too got a permanent home. Love my irish boyos!
* School started again, with this years new accounting class including my own Ms Hanna Kruse-Bråhn! Welcome to our school Hanna, love that you're here too!
And now it's only a month left of our regular semester before our 18 weeks long work experience period commences. Then there's back to slim-to-none social life again!
Since it's Halloween most are out partyin. That's however not the case for me this year. I'm spending my halloween celebrating Allahelgona instead. The original swedish version. This because my cyclops grandfather (who only has vision in one eye) now havin an eye infection has a bit of a hazzle. Or in his own words 'it's a bit fuzzy, I must admit...' My grandfather has always been very proned to understatements - he's blind as a bat. At least one without a sonar, seein as he otherwise would have an extremly finely tuned navigational system - which I can assure you he has not. These days he has a more hands on physical approach to navigation - if he hits something while walking he adjust direction slightly and gives it another go....
I thought it better to come here and make sure he as well as furniture survives the weekend in one piece..
The cat though looks quite unpertubed by all this. But then he seems quite unpertubed by more or less anything come to think of it...
Haveto go and check that grandfather get his medicine now...
Saturday, 6 September 2008
Thursday, 4 September 2008
4th September
Had a lovely late summers day today. After school me I went and got Marlon then we went into Stockholm city to meet up with Anna, Annas mum, Feon and Nozomi. Anna's mum had been showing Feon and Nozomi around Stockholm whilst we were in school. So we walked around in Stockholm a bit and Feon and Noz got to buy some souverniers. And Marlon discovered a new hobby - chasing pidgeons. Maybe not with my full appreciation though.
Then we went home to Anna's mum and she cooked a looooooooovely dinner. Marlon got fed home made meatballs and got ice cream for dessert. That dog wont be underweight much longer.... And if he keeps jumpin over the fence to play with cats - then me and anna wont haveto worry about our weights either. And I can say that running in slippers is not as easy as it looks!
Then we went home to Anna's mum and she cooked a looooooooovely dinner. Marlon got fed home made meatballs and got ice cream for dessert. That dog wont be underweight much longer.... And if he keeps jumpin over the fence to play with cats - then me and anna wont haveto worry about our weights either. And I can say that running in slippers is not as easy as it looks!
Wednesday, 3 September 2008
Monday, 1 September 2008
1st of September
Sigh. I've just spent - literally - the whole day doin laundry. I've cleaned basically everything wash-able in my apartment. Including all the covers on the sofa (take a second look at that pic and you'll have a pretty good idea of why) and what did I just do now... killed a mosquito. Which left a blood stain on my sofa that I just spent the WHOLE DAY washin. I know I've said it before, but felt an unresistable urge to repeat to underline my frustration.
It's funeral tomorrow. I'm not sure what my thoughts are about it yet.
It's my great grandmother on my fathers side. My farfar's mother. Thinking back on it I always remember her sitting in her rockin chair nitting socks and chuckling. I still have a pair of socks in my closet that's still brand new.
Friday, 1 August 2008
Some people should not be allowed to performe their profession.
And personally some people that writes invoice I'd just like to give a damn good whack over the head. Incompetence and ignorance should not be allowed, nor sloppy performed tasks. It is worse than tasks not performed at all.
My brother will warmly embrace this opinions...
And personally some people that writes invoice I'd just like to give a damn good whack over the head. Incompetence and ignorance should not be allowed, nor sloppy performed tasks. It is worse than tasks not performed at all.
My brother will warmly embrace this opinions...
Wednesday, 30 July 2008
I'm so sick of Jason Mraz's "I'm yours" ! SICK OF IT.
I can currently only listen to a very limited number of radiostations on my computer at work due to these charming firewalls. No Radio1 and no Galaxy. It sucks. Instead I haveto listen to how NRJ and Voice am effectively murdering a number of songs by constant repition. Think it also has serious inflictions on my will to live.
I can currently only listen to a very limited number of radiostations on my computer at work due to these charming firewalls. No Radio1 and no Galaxy. It sucks. Instead I haveto listen to how NRJ and Voice am effectively murdering a number of songs by constant repition. Think it also has serious inflictions on my will to live.
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
On my to do list for the flat:
(incredibly boring, but this is a reminder for me, so bugger off if you don't wanna kno)
* Tidy the cover away (It's way too hot, I'm boiling in here!)
* Re-arrange in the closet so I can fit said cover.
* Tidy up the flat! (You never know what can blow into your flat when the windows are constantly open)
* Put the shelf up (It only takes about half an hour to do it!!)
(incredibly boring, but this is a reminder for me, so bugger off if you don't wanna kno)
* Tidy the cover away (It's way too hot, I'm boiling in here!)
* Re-arrange in the closet so I can fit said cover.
* Tidy up the flat! (You never know what can blow into your flat when the windows are constantly open)
* Put the shelf up (It only takes about half an hour to do it!!)
Ah, and it's already late... again. Right now my time rushes by.
Been doin the stuff I'm supposed to though; dishes, cut my hair, did the laundry, taken stuff down to the storage.. And has been workin 9-10 h days at work... With that there's not much time left called spare time. Maybe an hour or two. But I can't complain, I actually like it. Well, could do with some more spare time, but not on the cost of workin less. I only have one week left to go and I want to make the most of it. I'm actually contemplating goin in working on sunday, but with the pride-festival and my friends coming over from England, I'm not sure I'll have time..
Been doin the stuff I'm supposed to though; dishes, cut my hair, did the laundry, taken stuff down to the storage.. And has been workin 9-10 h days at work... With that there's not much time left called spare time. Maybe an hour or two. But I can't complain, I actually like it. Well, could do with some more spare time, but not on the cost of workin less. I only have one week left to go and I want to make the most of it. I'm actually contemplating goin in working on sunday, but with the pride-festival and my friends coming over from England, I'm not sure I'll have time..
Thursday, 24 July 2008
Satte upp nya ljuslyktor i veckan i min lilla lägenhet. Vad faan heter ljuslyktor på engelska? Jag har undvikt ämnet än så länge.. Idag fick jag inte gå på bio, men besked om att jag snart ska få stolar som jag blivit lovad. Alltid något. Ska bli trevligt att ha en matplats. Kanske på tiden efter att ha bott där i två år...
Sunday, 27 April 2008
Sunday, 20 April 2008
Sunday at Trafford Center
All the occupants of the multi-kulti house were today spending the day in Trafford Centre... Soooo loving it. Feon works there in West One on sundays, so the other three of us decided to go there as well.. (to spend money though, not earning...) I deliriously happy spent money shopping in Ben Sherman. Then we went on exploring more uncharetered territory.... we walked trough New Orleans, looked out over Titanic and had a faboulus walk through Italy untill we finally made our way to the Egyptian desert and Pizza Hut! We occupied a table in the back and stayed there untill we all had ate the amount of food that one normal person consumes in a week. Then we had desert...S! haha... It took considerable effort to be able to move after that - especially to do it in a way that would not make our insides to revolt too furiously... (a struggle, I tell you!)
And then.... Selfridges & co. 4 hours is way too short time to spend in such a shopping heaven. I really wanted to buy a Dior shirt to Lillan, but I'm guessing I'd recive a pretty telling off from her mother and two other aunts if I did... hrm...
Oh, and I fell in love today! Shopping love is one true love...
This day we reached quite a few conclusions; we need boyfriends, entertainment (read; sex) and more fundings. Oh... and we really don't need the consequenses of this days (and many more) culinary delights. Other than that life's just peachy! We're also thinking about starting to watch rugby now...
And then.... Selfridges & co. 4 hours is way too short time to spend in such a shopping heaven. I really wanted to buy a Dior shirt to Lillan, but I'm guessing I'd recive a pretty telling off from her mother and two other aunts if I did... hrm...
Oh, and I fell in love today! Shopping love is one true love...
This day we reached quite a few conclusions; we need boyfriends, entertainment (read; sex) and more fundings. Oh... and we really don't need the consequenses of this days (and many more) culinary delights. Other than that life's just peachy! We're also thinking about starting to watch rugby now...
Monday, 14 April 2008
At last..
As might previously noted, the life of Alfie has been dramatically dominated by one thing lately. Which has amazingly little to do with me temporarily living in Manchester or anything of the sort. Quite the opposite - in this specific subject Im quite certain I was in no way whatsoever involved in the making of this project. Still the effects of it has had a tremendous impact on my state of mind. A bit ahead of scheduel but now we have a little baby girl in our midst. Even though I'll be longing myself sick to meet her and her family, for now, I'm just so so happy...
Sunday, 13 April 2008
Sunday night
Anna has engaged in a competitive deal with her sister and brother-in-law about who can lose most in weight untill the summer, starting tomorrow. Hence tonight is the last time for a while she can allow herself sweets.... She almost cleared the shelfs of the store..
So now we're both bunked up in Anna's bed, pjs on, eating sweets and watching Narnia... lovely!
So now we're both bunked up in Anna's bed, pjs on, eating sweets and watching Narnia... lovely!
by tomorrow at the latest
got a text from Fio today saying there's still no news... We're all still waiting for anything to happen.
Although she did say that - at the latest - by tomorrow her, Klara and me, we'll be aunts..
Although she did say that - at the latest - by tomorrow her, Klara and me, we'll be aunts..
No updates yet
Still pacing around at home with the phone in my hand.. Am counting the hours, and yes - of course minutes as well.. Woke up every other hour tonight to look at my phone, just in case I'd missed something.. So just for today, please don't call me untill I heard more updates, I jump as soon as my phone makes a noice..
Saturday, 12 April 2008
Got the text
At 16:23 today all three of the aunts-to-be recived a text from Nettan saying that she was in labour. So my phone is now constantly within reach in case of further updates. I've already been speaking to Klara who were basically doing the same.. As do Fio aswell I presume..
Hope for Nettans sake that it won't take too many hours.. But giving birth isn't really known to be a pleasant - or short - experience. It'll be worth it in the end though, soon we'll have a new baby with us! As always in female social groups, all young ones are instantly adopted by the whole group... hence;... Girls, we're having a baby!!!
Thinking about my dear friend constantly now, can't wait for the text saying the worst is over and both mother and child is well...
Sweden have never been further away than now...
Hope for Nettans sake that it won't take too many hours.. But giving birth isn't really known to be a pleasant - or short - experience. It'll be worth it in the end though, soon we'll have a new baby with us! As always in female social groups, all young ones are instantly adopted by the whole group... hence;... Girls, we're having a baby!!!
Thinking about my dear friend constantly now, can't wait for the text saying the worst is over and both mother and child is well...
Sweden have never been further away than now...
Friday, 21 March 2008
First morning off since we got here and me and Anna celebrated that in orderly fashion - by being hungover.. Went out with Anna's workmates yesterday after work for a drink, then a fancy dinner then some more drinks... Staggered out from a cab sometime in the early morning..
Now we're off to asda to do some foodshopping - and maybe buy some eastersweeties... :)
happy easter everyone..
Now we're off to asda to do some foodshopping - and maybe buy some eastersweeties... :)
happy easter everyone..
Sunday, 16 March 2008
We've arrived safe and sound in Manchester and today we have moved in to our new home for the coming 10 weeks. In Hulme, just 15 mins walk from central Manchester.
I'll update more later on.
I'll update more later on.
Sunday, 2 March 2008
In two weeks time I'll be gone. And up untill then I've got tons to do... I really hope I can get time to catch up with you all before I leave but I doubt it. Can't belive how fast the days passes by right now!
My cat is still living with me and will do so untill I leave for Manchester. Then the little bugger will go back home and continue being my grandfathers loyal companion. Grandfather is going home tomorrow from the hospital. I'm so relieved that he is finally a bit better from the pneumonia. Hopefully he'll stay away from the hospital now for a while. My grandfather is one of the finest men I will ever know and he really deserves all the joys and happiness in his life.
It's nice to hear that so many care about grandfather - and about me. And especially thank you all of you that has been comforting me and been supportive even when I'm at my worse. And I really have been bad at times, - neurotic, dramatic, emotional and irritated. Apparently picking a fight is what I consider a relive from what's really bothering me so badly.
I've had some ups and downs in my life before, but nothing is ever nearly as hard for me as the time when my granfather is in pain. And this was one of the worst, he's visbly getting so much older in so short time. But now he's finally healthy enough to go home so that's a big relief.
So now I'll try to go back to my usualy everyday life. And try my very best to make him proud.
My cat is still living with me and will do so untill I leave for Manchester. Then the little bugger will go back home and continue being my grandfathers loyal companion. Grandfather is going home tomorrow from the hospital. I'm so relieved that he is finally a bit better from the pneumonia. Hopefully he'll stay away from the hospital now for a while. My grandfather is one of the finest men I will ever know and he really deserves all the joys and happiness in his life.
It's nice to hear that so many care about grandfather - and about me. And especially thank you all of you that has been comforting me and been supportive even when I'm at my worse. And I really have been bad at times, - neurotic, dramatic, emotional and irritated. Apparently picking a fight is what I consider a relive from what's really bothering me so badly.
I've had some ups and downs in my life before, but nothing is ever nearly as hard for me as the time when my granfather is in pain. And this was one of the worst, he's visbly getting so much older in so short time. But now he's finally healthy enough to go home so that's a big relief.
So now I'll try to go back to my usualy everyday life. And try my very best to make him proud.
Monday, 25 February 2008
The world's not enough
I lead a good life. I've built it myself and im for most parts proud of it. I try to stand straight for my misstakes and learn from my wrong doings. And the one thing that is always important is that I try my utter most to always be there for my friends. New friends, old friends, my friends friends, friends I've never met, people I've agreed to be friends with.. And I honestly do my utter most and best since I reckon this to be a defining point of character. And because of said statement I am now drinkin wine with one of my friends, condemning the outside world. Not just because it is a generally shitty place and at some point everyone's eventually had enough, but because from my part I have partially lost hope. And I grieve my hope. I want to think good about things - and people. But when the people you really need that from can't provide, you are the one ending up at a loss. I grieve my faith. But am hoping it will return to me, this it not how I want things to be - and things usually turn up my way... eventually.
I would have been there when you needed it though.
For those of you who don't know the story yet. My grandfather is ill. Very ill. He has a chronicle lung obstruction and has now got an infection in his lungs which has rendered him a hospital stay since last sunday. Grandparents in general is always a sore subject I know, but I am serious, there is no other person for me than my grandfather. My brother, my grandmother, my cat, my best friend, I love them all to death, but my own personal universe is centered around my grandfather. He is my first memory. He is the one I talk to everyday on the phone. He is the one and only for me. I can not imagine the same realtionship with anyone - including my children - as to my grandfather. And now a disease is slowly taking his life before my eyes. And I can not do anything. I would give the world up for him, given only the chance. But I can't. And that is eating my insides out.
So if you ask, no, I don't feel at my best right about now. Far from it.
I would have been there when you needed it though.
For those of you who don't know the story yet. My grandfather is ill. Very ill. He has a chronicle lung obstruction and has now got an infection in his lungs which has rendered him a hospital stay since last sunday. Grandparents in general is always a sore subject I know, but I am serious, there is no other person for me than my grandfather. My brother, my grandmother, my cat, my best friend, I love them all to death, but my own personal universe is centered around my grandfather. He is my first memory. He is the one I talk to everyday on the phone. He is the one and only for me. I can not imagine the same realtionship with anyone - including my children - as to my grandfather. And now a disease is slowly taking his life before my eyes. And I can not do anything. I would give the world up for him, given only the chance. But I can't. And that is eating my insides out.
So if you ask, no, I don't feel at my best right about now. Far from it.
Saturday, 23 February 2008
Wednesday, 20 February 2008
Not alone...
Yesterday, my flat was graced with the honour of having a very distinguished guest for a visit. Atleast - that's what it seemed like when he swayed his way into my home...
Granddad's at the hospital
Have had a rough few days now recently... Granddads been ill, so we've been in and out of the hospital and i've spent numeral hours sitting on a chair next to granddads bed. But then again, when he's ill there's no other place i'd wanna be but at his side.
Now he'll be at the hospital for a few days recovering from a severe lunginfection. Hopefully he'll atleast stay the rest of the week so he'll get enough time for a full recovery.
Thanks all of you who'd showed your concern for my granddad, it's really nice to see. And it cheers him up as well! :)
Now he'll be at the hospital for a few days recovering from a severe lunginfection. Hopefully he'll atleast stay the rest of the week so he'll get enough time for a full recovery.
Thanks all of you who'd showed your concern for my granddad, it's really nice to see. And it cheers him up as well! :)
Monday, 11 February 2008
Friday, 8 February 2008
Guestinlay from Hanna
Gästinlägg så att säga.
Jag hade tänkt mig en lugn hwemmakväkl med sushi, men Malin hade andra planer och här är jag efter 8 shots av tequila och har det ganhska bra!
Vi kollar på englnadsbilder och lä'ngtar tillbaka till undgdomens oskyldiga dagar.. bara hur bra hade vi inte det?!
Just det!
Tequila., bar med, liquid/envy och supersnygga svenskor.(VI)
Malin! Om jag har råd ska jag bjuda dig på en svän till england i sommar.
och vi ska ha sådär kyl soim vbara vi kan ha där!! >Snälla häng med d¨å.!!
iaf så ill jag bara söga att jag bara att jag ör såå glad att dte var just din mailadfress ajg fick av agenten och att vi träffades och har haft sp roligt tillsammans!
Love you, snart dags för den elfte,
Gästinlägg så att säga.
Jag hade tänkt mig en lugn hwemmakväkl med sushi, men Malin hade andra planer och här är jag efter 8 shots av tequila och har det ganhska bra!
Vi kollar på englnadsbilder och lä'ngtar tillbaka till undgdomens oskyldiga dagar.. bara hur bra hade vi inte det?!
Just det!
Tequila., bar med, liquid/envy och supersnygga svenskor.(VI)
Malin! Om jag har råd ska jag bjuda dig på en svän till england i sommar.
och vi ska ha sådär kyl soim vbara vi kan ha där!! >Snälla häng med d¨å.!!
iaf så ill jag bara söga att jag bara att jag ör såå glad att dte var just din mailadfress ajg fick av agenten och att vi träffades och har haft sp roligt tillsammans!
Love you, snart dags för den elfte,
Tuesday, 15 January 2008
15th Jan
Uh! Thought I didn't feel too good yesterday and right I were, today I woke up with fever. Bollocks. Stayed home from school in hope I'd feel better later on. Since it was tuesday I had to take Doris for her training. Hoped I could still go to my stretching but my trainer told me to go home and lie down. Bollocks again. Really hate being sick. Happens way too often.
Monday, 14 January 2008
14th Jan
Lesson 10-12, Bookkeeping ...just plain boring
Lesson 13-16, Business English; Hold a personal presentation about your subject of choice.
I talked about Dante Alighieri and the Divina Commedia. As usual I was childishly nervous, although that changed a bit into the presentation when I saw that Jossan was sleeping. Got me pissed off instead. Now Im plannin on bringin a pillow to his presentation, maybe ask him not to talk so loudly..
Couldnt go to training, wasn't feeling so well in the evening when I was studying at Anna's.
Lesson 13-16, Business English; Hold a personal presentation about your subject of choice.
I talked about Dante Alighieri and the Divina Commedia. As usual I was childishly nervous, although that changed a bit into the presentation when I saw that Jossan was sleeping. Got me pissed off instead. Now Im plannin on bringin a pillow to his presentation, maybe ask him not to talk so loudly..
Couldnt go to training, wasn't feeling so well in the evening when I was studying at Anna's.
Thursday, 3 January 2008
Another day, and for me - another day off! Must say I really enjoy these few days of luxury. A bit late for a xmas break to start maybe, but I'm enjoying it all the same. Sat home all evening yesterday curled up in my sofa and watched loads of films. Today is another day withouth plans but quite a few offers. It is snowing though, which makes it just feel a bit more bitter that I couldn't have Lucas for the day. It would have been nice spendin the day out playin in the snow with him. Ipod is not nearly a good a company, but I guess it'll haveto do.
Would like to go to the bloodbus to donate but am not sure I can. When I say that I would go I mean in a moral sense, in the daylight of the day it wouldn't be a thing I look forward to (but I'd do it none the less, it's important) especially since I seem to be a somewhat difficult person to take blood from. Last nurse who had to give it a go accused me of letting my veins sink in my body so they no longer were visible for penetrating. I wasn't really sure if she was sane, but I thought it sounded really cool, kinda like x-men. That was untill she started waving that needle in front of my face and told me I'd better be more cooperative and that she wouldn't let me out untill she'd got blood. Vicious cow.. Anyhow, in case of another vein-chase today I made a proper breakfast. Wonder what more I can do with my veins... hmm...
And while I'm at it there's something I want to make clear. Having tattoos don't necessarily make one enjoy a good needle... Had that conversation with Bloodthirsty Vicious Nurse, she gave me a snorky comment, after a few minutes of futile vein-hunting, that I was being outright ridiculous... With as much tattoos to work successfully as a tresaure map (hey!) YOU should be well used to needles by now!! Well first of all, tattooing needles aren't a footlong! And when you have one in, it's not like you eventually start lookin for it to exit on the other side of your arm... So no - it's not the same thing. Not even remotely the same.
Would like to go to the bloodbus to donate but am not sure I can. When I say that I would go I mean in a moral sense, in the daylight of the day it wouldn't be a thing I look forward to (but I'd do it none the less, it's important) especially since I seem to be a somewhat difficult person to take blood from. Last nurse who had to give it a go accused me of letting my veins sink in my body so they no longer were visible for penetrating. I wasn't really sure if she was sane, but I thought it sounded really cool, kinda like x-men. That was untill she started waving that needle in front of my face and told me I'd better be more cooperative and that she wouldn't let me out untill she'd got blood. Vicious cow.. Anyhow, in case of another vein-chase today I made a proper breakfast. Wonder what more I can do with my veins... hmm...
And while I'm at it there's something I want to make clear. Having tattoos don't necessarily make one enjoy a good needle... Had that conversation with Bloodthirsty Vicious Nurse, she gave me a snorky comment, after a few minutes of futile vein-hunting, that I was being outright ridiculous... With as much tattoos to work successfully as a tresaure map (hey!) YOU should be well used to needles by now!! Well first of all, tattooing needles aren't a footlong! And when you have one in, it's not like you eventually start lookin for it to exit on the other side of your arm... So no - it's not the same thing. Not even remotely the same.
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